Three annual scholarships, the Mary L. Koch, Robert L. Koch, and Louis J. Koch Scholarship Awards, for children of Team Members of Koch Enterprises including Koch subsidiaries have been established under grants from the Koch Foundation. Qualifying companies include: Amprod, Audubon Metals, Koch Air, Koch Finishing Systems and South Western Communications.
Each Scholarship Award will be for a total of $16,000 payable in four annual installments, as stated below, to cover four years of attendance at an accredited college or university. Two years of such study, however, may be at an accredited community college offering course credits transferable to four-year institutions.
The purpose of the Mary L. Koch, Robert L. Koch, and Louis J. Koch Scholarship Awards is to recognize and reward excellence in scholastic achievement by children of Team Members of Koch Enterprises and Koch subsidiaries. The scholarships are designed to inspire recipients to reach their highest academic potential. Recipients of these scholarships must use the awards to defray their costs of attending a college or university.
To learn more about the scholarship program and to apply, visit:
We’re excited to announce a new expansion to the Koch Foundation Scholarship Awards Program! This year, we’re broadening the opportunity to include our Team Members in Mexico and England. This change reflects our commitment to supporting and investing in the growth and education of all our Team Members' children, regardless of location. By opening up the scholarship program to these regions, we hope to empower even more students to pursue their educational goals, develop their skills, and continue to grow both personally and professionally.
Except as otherwise indicated, children of full-time employees of Koch Enterprises and Koch subsidiaries employed for three consecutive years prior to January 31 of the year in which the awards are to be made are eligible. In the case of recent acquisitions, the Team Members must have been employed by the legacy entity for three consecutive years prior to January 31 in which the awards are to be made eligible. Children of shareholders of Koch Enterprises; children of Presidents and brothers or sisters of Presidents of Koch subsidiaries; and children of officers of Koch Foundation are not eligible for an award. Also, children of the award selection committee are not eligible for an award.
In addition to natural children, stepchildren or legally adopted children for which the employee is responsible will be eligible.
Race, color or sex will not be factors in choosing the award winners.
The applicant must be a high school senior and demonstrate an intention to attend a four-year accredited college or university. Attendance at a community college will be permitted if the community college offers course credits transferable to accepted four-year institutions, and if the applicant states that he or she fully intends to complete a four-year course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree.
Selection of Scholarship Winners
The Outside Scholarship Awards Selection Committee will choose three scholarship winners, if acceptable candidates apply. Two award winners will be selected on the basis of previously demonstrated attainment of the highest standard of scholarship and leadership and a third one will take financial need into consideration. The recipients shall be those who have demonstrated dedication to the pursuit of excellence and exceptional achievement.
There is no representative of Koch Foundation, Koch Enterprises, nor Koch subsidiaries in selecting the scholarship recipients. The committee will meet in March of the year in which the awards are to be made to review the applicants and make the awards.
Selection of the scholarship recipients will be based upon the student’s scholarship record, leadership ability, citizenship standards, and potential ability to benefit by higher education. The committee will make its choice and the winners will be notified by email late April the same year in which the application was made.
Method of Payment
For recipients of the Koch Foundation scholarship, scholarship payments will be made in four annual installments of $4,000.
First Year: $4,000
*Second Year: $4,000
*Third Year: $4,000
*Fourth Year: $4,000
Total Award: $16,000
*A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 is necessary to renew the scholarship for the sophomore year, a cumulative GPA of 2.25 for junior year, and a cumulative GPA of 2.50 for the senior year. GPA will be based on a scale of 4.0 = A.
If recipient does not maintain above stated cumulative GPA at end of each specified year, the recipient’s next payment shall be forfeited. If cumulative GPA returns to the standards set above after completion of specified year, payment will be issued for the upcoming year. Installments forfeited will not be reissued.
Upon completion of the freshman year with the cumulative GPA meeting requirements, the recipient may co-op for one-semester periods during the term of the scholarship. No payment will be made for these semesters. Payment will resume in the next in-school semester upon submission of the required form obtained from Scholarship America.
Each recipient will provide to Scholarship America a copy of an official transcript of his/her academic grades, following the completion of each year.
Scholarships are contingent upon the student maintaining acceptable standards of citizenship and scholastic achievement, as well as maintaining full-time student status through successive academic years at one or more accredited institutions as outlined in this policy.
Failure to enroll on a full-time basis for a semester will automatically cancel the remainder of the scholarship, except if failure to enroll results from military service, extended illness, or other major occurrences over which the student has no control. In which case, consideration may be given to holding the scholarship in abeyance, provided the student’s education is resumed at the first opportunity.